L'EcoloGolf (c) est la solution alternative pour la pratique de loisirs sportifs golfiques au travers du développement durable respectueux de l'environnement et aidant ainsi à lutter contre le réchauffement.

EcoloGolf, et les disciplines du concept sont des créations A. Valero  protégées par huissier dans 164 pays depuis 2005. All rights protected Contact 



Golfs Ecologiques

EcoloGolf Parc

Créer un EcoloGolf

Projets Pédagogiques



L'OvalGolf (c), est inventé et codifiée par Antonio Valero Rodriguez. 
Utiliser le concept sans notre accord explicite vous expose à des poursuites.

Principe : 
Frapper sur le parcours EcoloGolf non pas une balle de Golf mais un ballon de type Rugby mais spécial et posé sur un gros tee.

Version au pied : 

Le ballon est frappé au pied

Version au pied :

Le ballon est frappé avec des clubs type Golf, Swin ou YGolf

L'OvalGolf est notre Concept et se joue exclusivement sur terrain EcoloGolf


Parties des règles du jeu communes aux disciplines EcoloGolf : 
1°) les jeux sont de type sport/loisir, se déroulent sur un terrain d'EcoloGolf et peuvent faire l'objet de compétitions locale, nationales ou internationales.. 
2°) formules de jeu  individuelles ou en équipe
3°) Le but est d'envoyer une balle depuis la zone de départ, délimitée par 2 plots, vers les trous matérialisés par des drapeaux ou vers le but
4°) la finalité est de rentrer la balle dans les trou cibles avec le moins de coups possibles successivement sur chacune des 9 ou 18 pistes (trous) constituant un parcours. 
5°) Les joueurs s'informent et respectent les règles car ils sont leurs propres arbitres.
6°) En cas de compétition, les joueurs se marquent mutuellement les scores. 
Les règles et l'étiquette sont dérivées du Golf mais simplifiées comme :
- une balle ( cerceau,...) ayant bougé (vent ou autres cause)  avant exécution est  replacée sans pénalité
- éviter de bouger et faire du bruit lorsqu'un joueur se prépare à jouer un coup.
- les tenues vestimentaires demeurent totalement libres dans la mesure ou la décence des usages du lieu est respectée. Les shorts, pantalons type Jeans et T-shirts ne peuvent être refusés ainsi que les tenues de plage.

  Les règles de l'OvalGolf(c)

1. Règles général
L'objectif est de mettre le ballon dans chacun des différents trous composant un parcours, avec le moins de coups possibles. Vous ne devez effectuer le parcours tel qu'il est san en changer la nature ni les obstacles. Si vous ne pouvez frapper la balle vous pouvez la déplacer en vous référant la règle 8.

2. Frappe
Les frappes de font uniquement avec les pieds et chaque coup frappé compte un coup sur votre carte de score. Les scores sont marqués mutuellement par les joueurs partageant la même partie et chacun est responsable de l'exactitude des scores marqués.

3. Equipement
Le ballon utilisé sera uniquement celui homologué EcoloGolf. Les crampons ne sont pas tolérés pour ne pas endommager le gazon.

4. Comportement sur le parcours
Respecter les autres joueurs signifie ne pas être trop près, ne pas bouger ni faire de bruit lorsqu'ils s'apprêtent à jouer. Ne pas jouer si vous risquez d'atteindre les joueurs qui vous précèdent et ne pas dépasser la partie qui vous précède.

5. Ordre de jeu
Au départ de chaque trou joue en premier le joueur le mieux classé ou les joueurs adultes du départ le plus éloigné, puis on fait jouer en dernier les joueurs (dames et enfants) dont les départs sont les plus proches du trou. Ensuite jouera toujours en premier le plus éloigné du trou afin d'avancer ensemble sans se gêner.

Au trou suivant jouer en premier celui qui a fait le meilleur score sur le trou précédant.

6. Coup de départ
Sur chaque trou le coup de départ se fait en arrière des plots de départs de couleur correspondante au niveau.

Plots blancs : joueurs classés en dessous de 18
Plots jaunes : joueurs mâles adultes ou  classés
Plots bleus : dames
Plots rouges : enfants

Si vous jouez au delà du plot de départ ou si vous vous trompez de plot de départ, c'est 1 point de pénalité et le coup à rejouer (total 2 points).

7. Hors limites
Les endroits délimités par des piquets blancs sont des hors limites et vous coûtent 1 point de pénalité + devoir rejouer de l'endroit d'où vous venez de jouer (total 2 coups).

8. Déplacement de balle
Une fois le départ pris, si vous déplacer le ballon sans raison cela vous coûte 1 point de pénalité. Si vous décidez de déplacer une balle injouable, ou si vous la déclarez perdue, faites le sans vous rapprocher du trou avec 1 coup de pénalité.

si vous , in the stream or in another place where the player estimates that it is impossible to kick the ball from, the ball is placed where the original shot was made. Then the player kicks the ball again.
When doing this, an extra kick is added to the score card.

10. Replacement of the ball
If one of the other players’ balls is in the way of your kick, you may ask this player to temporarily remove the ball and mark the position of his ball by placing a poker chip instead. After your kick, the other player’s ball should be replaced.

11. Flag
The flag may be removed from the hole, when the ball is on green.

12. The ball is hit by another ball
If you hit one of the other players’ balls when kicking your own ball, the other player’s ball is replaced in its original position. Your ball should remain where it landed.

13. Missing an obstacle
If you kick the ball further than the obstacle without overcoming it correctly, the ball needs to be kicked back in order to overcome the obstacle the right way.

14. Special rules
For some holes, special rules apply. Please look at the description near the teeing ground of each hole for further description.

15. When in doubt…
If you end up in a situation, where you are in doubt what to do, please call the referee. It is exclusively the referee’s decision that matters in all disagreements.

  The OvalGolf(c) rules

1. General rules
The goal in footballgolf is to get the ball into the hole by using as few kicks as possible. While doing this, you might need to overcome some obstacles the right way.
You are never allowed to change the natural surroundings in order to kick the ball. If you cannot kick the ball from where it landed, you will have to drop it (please go to rule number 8 for more information)

2. Kick
You need to play until the ball is in the hole and the number of kicks used will be written on the score card. Each player is responsible for counting the number of kicks used by one of the other players.

3. Equipment
The ball should be only EcoloGolf Homologated
You are not allowed to wear football boots with spikes or the likes, which might damage the grass.

4. Behaviour on the course
You show respect for the other players by keeping a suitable distance as well as not kicking the ball, if there is a risk of hitting someone.
If waiting time occurs, you do not overtake the other groups.

5. Order of play
At the first hole, the youngest player starts, then the second youngest and so on.
The player who uses the fewest kicks will start at the next hole.
For the subsequently kicks, the player whose ball is furthest away from the hole will be the first to kick.
If there are obstacles, the player whose ball is furthest away from the obstacle will kick first.
Furthermore, please look for special rules for some of the holes.  (please go to rule number 14 for more information)

6. The first kick
The first kick is made from the tee at the beginning of each hole. The ball should be placed between the white marks.

7. Out of bounds
A few places on the course, you will find some white “out-of-bounds stakes”. If the ball ends outside these stakes, the ball is placed where the original shot was made. Then the player kicks the ball again.
When doing this, an extra kick is added to the scorecard

8. Dropping the ball
If the ball ends either outside the white “out-of-bound stakes”, in the stream or in another place where the player estimates that it is impossible to kick the ball from, the ball is placed where the original shot was made. Then the player kicks the ball again.
When doing this, an extra kick is added to the score card.

9. How are you allowed to kick the ball?
The ball can only be moved by using your feet. Every way of kicking is allowed except from leading the ball.

10. Replacement of the ball
If one of the other players’ balls is in the way of your kick, you may ask this player to temporarily remove the ball and mark the position of his ball by placing a poker chip instead. After your kick, the other player’s ball should be replaced.

11. Flag
The flag may be removed from the hole, when the ball is on green.

12. The ball is hit by another ball
If you hit one of the other players’ balls when kicking your own ball, the other player’s ball is replaced in its original position. Your ball should remain where it landed.

13. Missing an obstacle
If you kick the ball further than the obstacle without overcoming it correctly, the ball needs to be kicked back in order to overcome the obstacle the right way.

14. Special rules
For some holes, special rules apply. Please look at the description near the teeing ground of each hole for further description.

15. When in doubt…
If you end up in a situation, where you are in doubt what to do, please call the referee. It is exclusively the referee’s decision that matters in all disagreements.

  Las reglas del OvalGolf(c)

1. General rules
The goal in footballgolf is to get the ball into the hole by using as few kicks as possible. While doing this, you might need to overcome some obstacles the right way.
You are never allowed to change the natural surroundings in order to kick the ball. If you cannot kick the ball from where it landed, you will have to drop it (please go to rule number 8 for more information)

2. Kick
You need to play until the ball is in the hole and the number of kicks used will be written on the score card. Each player is responsible for counting the number of kicks used by one of the other players.

3. Equipment
The ball should be only EcoloGolf Homologated
You are not allowed to wear football boots with spikes or the likes, which might damage the grass.

4. Behaviour on the course
You show respect for the other players by keeping a suitable distance as well as not kicking the ball, if there is a risk of hitting someone.
If waiting time occurs, you do not overtake the other groups.

5. Order of play
At the first hole, the youngest player starts, then the second youngest and so on.
The player who uses the fewest kicks will start at the next hole.
For the subsequently kicks, the player whose ball is furthest away from the hole will be the first to kick.
If there are obstacles, the player whose ball is furthest away from the obstacle will kick first.
Furthermore, please look for special rules for some of the holes.  (please go to rule number 14 for more information)

6. The first kick
The first kick is made from the tee at the beginning of each hole. The ball should be placed between the white marks.

7. Out of bounds
A few places on the course, you will find some white “out-of-bounds stakes”. If the ball ends outside these stakes, the ball is placed where the original shot was made. Then the player kicks the ball again.
When doing this, an extra kick is added to the scorecard

8. Dropping the ball
If the ball ends either outside the white “out-of-bound stakes”, in the stream or in another place where the player estimates that it is impossible to kick the ball from, the ball is placed where the original shot was made. Then the player kicks the ball again.
When doing this, an extra kick is added to the score card.

9. How are you allowed to kick the ball?
The ball can only be moved by using your feet. Every way of kicking is allowed except from leading the ball.

10. Replacement of the ball
If one of the other players’ balls is in the way of your kick, you may ask this player to temporarily remove the ball and mark the position of his ball by placing a poker chip instead. After your kick, the other player’s ball should be replaced.

11. Flag
The flag may be removed from the hole, when the ball is on green.

12. The ball is hit by another ball
If you hit one of the other players’ balls when kicking your own ball, the other player’s ball is replaced in its original position. Your ball should remain where it landed.

13. Missing an obstacle
If you kick the ball further than the obstacle without overcoming it correctly, the ball needs to be kicked back in order to overcome the obstacle the right way.

14. Special rules
For some holes, special rules apply. Please look at the description near the teeing ground of each hole for further description.

15. When in doubt…
If you end up in a situation, where you are in doubt what to do, please call the referee. It is exclusively the referee’s decision that matters in all disagreements.